Lost Odyssey

released on Dec 06, 2007

Lost Odyssey is set in a world in which a "Magic-Industrial Revolution" is taking place. While magic energy existed in all living creatures beforehand, it suddenly became far more powerful thirty years before the beginning of the game. Because of this, it has affected society greatly, with devices called "Magic Engines" harnessing this power for lighting, automobiles, communication, and robots, among other uses. While previously only a select few could wield magic, many magicians gained the ability. However, such progress has also caused two nations to develop new and more powerful weapons of mass destruction. The kingdom of Gohtza and the Republic of Uhra (which recently converted from a monarchy). Uhra is building Grand Staff, a gigantic magic engine, while the heavily industrialized Gohtza actively pursues magic research of their own. A third nation, the Free Ocean State of Numara, remains isolated and neutral, though it is falling into disarray due to a general attempting to stage a coup d'etat. Uhra, at war with Khent, a nation of beastmen, sends its forces to the Highlands of Wohl for a decisive battle at the start of the game.

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La libertad de hacer lo que te plazca sabiendo que tienes tiempo de sobra, el saber que el bienestar de generaciones enteras dependen de tus conocimientos y experiencia sobrehumana que rebasa contra el tiempo, ó cumplir con una promesa, son algunas de las maneras en que los individuos de esta travesía milenaria podrían interpretar su objetivo ante la búsqueda de una respuesta a la misma pregunta: ¿Qué es lo que verdaderamente mantiene vivo a un ser inmortal?

El núcleo de Lost Odyssey radica en la exploración de su mundo que, además de ayudarnos a darle más trasfondo al conflicto principal, sirve para conectar con las múltiples anécdotas de nuestros personajes durante sus 1000 años de vida. Esto es contado a través de pequeños relatos donde tratan el cómo las personas de distintas eras y lugares tratan las diferentes maneras en que relacionan el concepto de "Morir" y "Vivir", con el fin afrontar poco a poco con el agridulce destino de nunca poder fallecer, o al menos, no de una manera convencional.

Su sistema de combate da para hablar de igual manera. Desde su sistema, anillos, enlaces y posicionamiento, es un juego en el que te recompensa por relacionarte con todos y cada uno de los miembros de tu party y estar cambiando constantemente de estrategias si no quieres ver un Game Over constantemente. Hay ocasiones en las que vas a estar jugando de forma agresiva para aprovechar la velocidad de tus turnos, hay otras en las que vas a la defensiva para restaurar tu barra de defensa y así evitar daños peores a lo largo del combate y otras veces vas a tomar decisiones tan repentinas como sacrificar a miembros de tu equipo con el fin de aprovechar su inmortalidad. Todo puede pasar, pero ten por seguro que tu ingenio y precisión se verán recompensados.

Llegado el momento de la conclusión de la experiencia, el juego decide terminar con la cuestión principal de sus protagonistas y dejándolos con distintas catarsis con respecto a su manera en que interpretaron el significado de la vida en ese eterno milenio de dudas, sin embargo, algo pueden compartir entre cada uno de ellos: Hagan lo que hagan, así dure un día o la eternidad, el objetivo de vivir siempre será tener un "por qué" hacer lo que haces y por "quién" hacerlo para así tenerlo siempre presente en tu memoria.

It's strange to think that there's a full AAA turnbased jrpg made by the original final fantasy creators and that game is a xbox eclusive.
I liked the story, I tought it was ok until disc 2 then the characters,the world and their motivations grew on me and I ended up enjoing the game way more.and while for me the story is a bit weaker than the final fantasy games I played (5,6,7,8,9,10) and some scenes could have been made better, you can feel that this is a Sakaguchi game. It's obvius that some idea comes from these games and so does the music.Lost odissey soundtrack really remember FFVII sometimes but as always it'still very good like other Uematsu themes,but I'm disappointed that there isn't a music for the ship travel.

Gameplay is my main problem with this game, there are 2 problem. First EVERTHING takes soo much time, slow animation for doors,pots, chests, combat and every fight starts with a 10 second scene where the camera shows how good the arena is, then it show you the enemy, then moves on your part and then you can play. After you have to waste time on the "ring system", rings are just normal accessory but you have to do a stupid minigame everytime you attack to activate them.Second problem for me it's the turn system of this game. I dont know if this system it's unique to this game, I havent played a lot of turn based games but this is the first where I saw it. Basically you dont take turns with each character, but both you and the enemies choose each action for every characters at the same time and then the game choose the order of each action based on the characters speed and the speed of the chosen action. This system not only makes fights longer but it's a pain when you have to action like resurrecting and or using items. I'll show an example:

In a "normal" game you would do somithing like this
chr. [1] resurrect char[2]-> end turn
chr[3] heals chr[2] -> end turn
chr[2] does something -> end turn
Now chr[2] is healed and ready to fight,this happens with Mp items and status items etc.
In lost odissey the system works badly because every action must be chosed before following the state of the battle at the start of the turn.

-start turn
chr. [1] resurrect char[2]
chr[3] cant heals chr[2] because it's dead when you choose what to do in a turn
chr[2] doesn't do anything because he was dead when you choose turn's action
enemy attacks and kill chr[2]
-end turn

If the enemy doesn't attack it will do it next turn anyway, specially because normal attacks are higher speed than spells. Add that bosses like aoe attacks and some spells takes multiple torn and you have a game that I hated to play.The good thing is that this happens only in the first disc, which it's harder than the entire game. The skill system make the game easier the more you play it, and it's not hard to have 4/5 character in the party almost unkillable.

If I have to give you a reason why you should play this game the reason would be the Thousand Years of Dreams: A collection of past memories of the main characters written by japanese novelist Kiyoshi Shigematsu. You come across this memories in the game and are shown to you in (visual) novel form. The stories are all emotionally touching and give a hint of what "living" as an immortal means. I'll probably read some of his other works an I wish I could get a English version of the book that contains all these stories. And the character draw by Inoue are really cool even if I dont really like Cooke and Mack design.
Hopefully one day we'll get a remaster for this game, I had to get my old xbox to play this. Thankfully it's retrocompatible on new xboxs and goes on sale frequently.

I really wish they set this game free (PC port)
I lost my Xbox right before I got the chance to try this game, I only played a little bit of it in the beginning and want it so bad

One of my favorite JRPG's of all time. If you decide to give this game a shot, make sure you have tissues nearby cause this game made me cry my eyes out 24/7!!!

Si quieres enterarte de todo el lore tienes que leer Mucho Texto.
Pero con la historia principal se disfruta sin problemas. Los personajes están bien escritos, los combates tienen mecánicas curiosas, la trama es interesante, los monstruos variopintos y muy chulos, el sistema de magias y de aprender es muy curioso...
Y en general, a mí me ha gustado mucho. Lo recomiendo enormemente. Ojalá estuviese disponible para ordenador y rejugarlo.

Probablemente el mejor JRPG que he jugado, la historia y los personajes son excelentes, la jugabilidad es muy buena, y la música es magistral.