This is one of the most gripping games I've recently played, with incredible dialogue ranging from ludicrous, hilarious, thoughtful, and downright emotionally devastating.

The ending is one of the most powerful things I've recently felt playing a video game.

This is only my review, if I had to base a recommendation, this would be for intense dialogue heavy fans that can really sink their teeth into branching conversations and very lengthy exchanges between characters.

Conversations can last up to an entire hour and if that is something you feel may be a detractor, I understand. I will still swing for the bat because the dialogue is so fresh, almost alien to our own general concepts of reading comprehension that the hours will fly by and it will be the next day when you started playing yesterday afternoon.

There are so many wrinkles and hard forks to where the story goes and how events play out I just want to binge it and experience everything possible it has to offer.

Not recommended for those who seek brevity, but absolutely recommended for those that want stories to grab them by the throat and not let go.

I've beaten it once and will be back for more, absolutely.

Note: I had played the Final Cut Physical Edition for Nintendo Switch, while I still recommend this game wholly for it's stories, characters, dialogue, world, general immersion: I do not recommend the switch version for people wanting a more solid experience regarding performance.

The nintendo switch suffers from slowdown, some animations desyncing, and lower quality texturework.

I just got the switch version cause it's what I got and I like supporting physical media, if you do have the console, I'd recommend the physical version for PS4 or Xbox

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2022
