I had no idea how much I'd love this game, and get invested in all of the characters. This game has a very unique way of telling its story.

You have 13 different protagonists to choose from and for the most part, you can go through the story in however way you want to. Every character has something called a thought cloud, that fill up with a bunch of different words, and clicking them allows you to see their inner thoughts on different topics, and in my opinion this was an awesome idea as it adds so much depth to every character. There isn't a single character in this game that I think is bad, or just okay. That's just how good the game is.

The story can be a bit confusing as you are progressing it, however this game handles that dilemma perfectly. It has an analysis section that gives you the ability to view descriptions of pretty much everything you will see in the game, and a menu that displays all events in chronological order. The best part is that they make sure it does not spoil you beyond the point that you are at in the story. The descriptions and events are all updated as you progress which is honestly just amazing as they really didn't have to implement this. I'm not sure if there are more games than this that utilize an analysis menu but if not, I hope more story oriented games adopt this feature as it really made the game THAT much more enjoyable.

The art style is just super stunning. Without being graphically intensive, its one of the best looking games I've ever played.

Honestly, you just have to play it to really understand what I mean. This game's story and presentation is by far the most ambitious and well crafted game I have played in a very long time, and you owe it to yourself to give this game a go.

Reviewed on Jul 01, 2021
