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ScottPronouns reviewed Banjo-Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
I've beaten this 100% a couple of times and really enjoy it for what it is. Obviously it's no masterpiece, but it works for what it is. If you wanted a portable B-K game back in '03 this did the job and did it well.

2 days ago

ScottPronouns earned the Replay '14 badge

2 days ago

ScottPronouns earned the Treasured badge

3 days ago

ScottPronouns reviewed Postal
Let's just say that it's free for a reason. The idea is to kill every hostile NPC in each level, and move on. There's also harmless NPCs who you don't need to kill, but in certain levels there's a ton of them and everyone looks the same, so I found it easier to just kill every NPC in the area. It's got none of that crude satire we associate with the series, instead playing it completely straight. You really are just a psycho who kills everyone and everything because it's cool or whatever. Combat's basic as hell, there's a bunch of weapons but the M16 has infinite ammo so I just used that the whole time, with the occasional grenade or rocket here and there. It's short, repetitive, and more tedious than anything. Oh, and my biggest dislike? The final level. Fuck off. I don't care that it's a fake-out, do not play with that. If that wasn't a fake-out this would be getting half a star.

4 days ago

ScottPronouns completed Postal

4 days ago

VidyaGaemAwards earned the Replay '14 badge

4 days ago

ScottPronouns reviewed Postal 2: Share the Pain
Played this last night with a friend and it's so dead that we started freaking out when some random dude named Johnson joined the server we were in. We then proceeded to kill Johnson over and over for 10+ minutes until he left. There was also a map with a bunch of posters, and there were like three of a naked woman with a Mickey Mouse plush next to her and we thought that was really funny for some reason. Great game.

4 days ago

14 days ago

14 days ago

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