I'm combining Rise and Sunbreak into the same game for the purposes of this rating. I played it as one continuous path from beginning to end.

I think Monster Hunter's core gameplay loop is absolutely engaging enough that I have to give this a good review. Rise really is a great game with some major caveats which periodically drive me crazy, but not enough to prevent me from coming back. Not amount of wonky camera action against the walls, stupid one hit kill moves, or twitchy speedy monsters that are too fast to hit has made me want to put down this game for good, or even really end a session prematurely. It doesn't matter that the monster distribution is a bit wonky and the crafting tree is hard to work with. The game is just so damn fun that these problems don't hold it back that much. I know this review just sounds like complaining, but it's all technical points - the game is absolutely worth your while (if your PC can handle it. I did have performance issues from time to time).

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2023
