Nintendo proving once again why they're in another class when it comes to raw creativity. Super Mario Bros. Wonder is definitely the best side-scrolling Mario game in over a decade, absolutely oozing with one-off ideas which could make up an entire indie game. It's a joy to uncover what each Wonder Seed will do to the stage in question. The sound design and control have also been greatly improved over the New Super Mario Bros. series. I love how iconic sound effects have been reimagined, breathing a ton of new life into a formula which had been growing stale. The art direction is also fantastic making it clear how much attention the developers have given to every small detail. I'd say I do have some small complaints with the game. The boss designs are repetitive, which is uncharacteristic with the rest of the game. The new powerups, while fun to use, also don't seem to serve specific purposes--especially the elephant powerup. I also have the same issue with the badges, I feel like there could have been a lot more done with this concept. These small complaints aside, this is a fantastic Mario game.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2023
