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my last review was fucking terrible because i made it in the middle of some kind of breakdown and im sorry for contributing to the bizarre dogpile / micro-culture war this game seems to have cultivated on here. if you liked that review while it was up for a day or two, you owe me five dollars.
anyway, real re-review:
maybe it's just that part 1 blinded me with misplaced rage the first time, but i still don't really find any of the ideas in it "challenging", just dismissive, to the point where they almost dilute how amazing and revelatory parts 2 and 3 are. it feels directed so precisely at someone like me, a "mechanics" believer, a gdc talk watcher, but i struggle to see the point of it. why hypnotize me? i'm already as feminized as can be. all of my games (released or otherwise) are for girls and they always have been!
absolutely no disrespect to princess; i liked a lot of the ideas presented in this (genuinely made me reflect on how i make games in a lot of ways) and i'd like to play more of her games.