Genuinely one of the most worthless games I've ever played. The entire identity of Thief was stripped away for this incredibly boring, generic version that desperately attempts to appeal to folks who had no interest in the type of game Thief inherently is to begin with.

Let's talk gameplay. After disabling about 500 needless UI prompts the original games never needed, you're greeted with core gameplay that is both shallow and broken.

The swoop completely trivializes most stealth, and 'Garrett' is relatively competent enough that he can roleplay a CoD game if you decide stealth isn't for you. Who cares!!!! The actual thieving in this game also becomes tedious from Garrett having additional animations every time you pick up an item, snuff out a light, forget to say night to grandma etc. The attempt at giving Garrett weight in this game only serves to make everything feel slow and tedious. The very act of grabbing some loot feels unrewarding IN A GAME ABOUT GRABBING LOOT.

Ostensibly this game borrows quite a lot from Thief Deadly Shadow's structure in that levels are accessed through a hub you can buy things in, only instead of a relatively seamless experience that takes maybe a minute per section to traverse add on about 3 minutes for completely illogical routes so you can be funneled into loading screen animations. The City in the original games is such a well realized place that conveys perfectly the ideas it is trying to represent through suggestion, while here the game's stark ripoff Dishonored London deprives the setting of any personality and just sucks to look at.

The story is a complete waste of time since not a single character in it particularly matters. The villain in specific is so poorly written that I have to imagine his traits were drawn from a hat for how well they mesh together. His actions are completely illogical and yet he is framed as if he is some equal to 'Garrett' or something? Not to mention his horrible mandatory boss fight that should have never been made.

What makes the story so frustrating is that Thief Deadly Shadows already had a fairly decent setup for a future sequel in its ending which this game INITIALLY seems to be following up on, only for Erin to proceed to be completely uninteresting and turn into a plot macguffin who you're supposed to care about finding. Like, why should I care??? She sucks lmaoo

This game went through a fairly extensive amount of development hell with like four different studios or something working on it and it definitely shows in the final product, a far cry from the original trilogy being made with a close knit community of developers and artists. This game is entirely committee approved and seeks to please some spectre of an Ideal Gamer in every facet of it's design in the hopes of making some money, and completely betrays what the original games stood for to begin with.

Genuinely, don't play this game ever. You and your time are far more valuable then wasting your life energy on this drivel. Play the original trilogy, they are incredible games that will change how you see art and deserved to be discussed far more then this.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
