In theory, I understand the appeal. There's something cathartic about organizing your clothes and your books and your liquor cabinet, and a game that consists solely of unpacking boxes and decorating rooms in increasingly large and fancy apartments and houses is probably meant to tap right into that joy-sparking feeling of tidying up. But this has to be just the dullest and most monotonous game I've played in years. I have two kids. All I do anymore is take things out of boxes and tidy up by throwing a bunch of shit in a semi-neat pile. There is no joy for me - none! - in doing a simulated version of that with an Xbox controller. You click a box. Out comes a pair of underwear. You move it to the open drawer in the closet. You put it there. You go back to the box. It's another pair of undies. Back to the drawer. Place.Back to the box. Pick up. Back to the drawer. Replace. And so on and so on. Twenty fucking pairs of panties. Six pairs of jeans. Thirty hangers. Thirty things that go on those hangers. One hundred books. Click, move, click, move. Now the kitchen. Now the bathroom! And now it's time to unpack all that same crap all over again in the next apartment. Good lord, the bore this was! But it was short and it looked pretty enough and there's the vaguest hint of a happy story subliminally told, so, not a total waste of my time!

Reviewed on Nov 23, 2021

1 Comment

2 years ago

I didn't even realize this game was on console. Seems like the kind of game that lends itself way better to mouse controls, I can see why you thought it was tedious! (Granted you might not have liked it with a mouse either which is totally fair!)