Mobility on par with Titanfall 2, wonderful level design, simple yet satisfying combat, this is exactly my cup of tea. My only real complaint is that there weren't enough bosses. There are 3 total, only one of which felt like a real fight to me. That and the final level is utter bullshit, I can't even begin to express my hatred for it. Those relatively minor gripes aside, I adored this game. Almost feels like a cross between Doom and Mirror's Edge. Doom because of the general flow of combat encounters, where you frantically run around an arena trying to deal with various types of enemies who all behave and attack differently, and Mirror's Edge for reasons I probably don't need to explain. It's also one of those "everything goes down in one hit including you" games, which usually tickles my fancy. Also it's short and sweet, I beat it in 5.8 hours (that's with a lot of dying and minimal secret hunting), which is long enough that I felt like I got my $30's worth, but I could totally have played another couple hours. Really loved this, would love to see it get a sequel or DLC with more bosses and possibly some more varied environments.

EDIT: also what if this game had a PVP mode where it's like 9v1, 9 being different enemy types found in the game and 1 being the ghostrunner I think that'd be sick

Reviewed on Oct 28, 2020
