The Finals 2023

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

December 8, 2023

Platforms Played


On launch, I've had an absolute blast playing queuing with friends. I've been told the solo queue experience hasn't been great (which isn't hard to believe with how frantic things get), but this game is a tense, action-packed experience that I've enjoyed every minute of. Map knowledge is clearly going to be one of the biggest parts of the early difficulty curve, especially when you aren't playing heavy with the ability to break down walls, since you don't really know where doorways and windows are yet. I also suspect there are some balance issues that'll need to get ironed out, but as it stands this game is in a very nice spot on launch. I'm looking forward to making the most of it before its inevitable, sad decline into live service oblivion.

edit: I have since become aware that the voices are AI generated which makes a lot of sense as they never sounded very natural to me. Knocking it down from a 4 to a 3 because yeah, knowing that does impact my enjoyment a fair bit.