I Miss You

Seemingly abandoned and forgotten games/series I like and would like to see again someday. Some images are more of a general sense, I just picked whatever one I felt like in those regards

No I was not listening to Blink 182 when I got the idea for this list shut up

Godzilla has once again become a hot commodity but we haven't gotten a Godzilla centric game since 2014... 10 years... Why?

The crossovers are alright but I want a game just about the G-man and Toho's rogue's gallery again
If Vanillaware wants to keep making strategy games thats fine. In fact most of their work seems to have been like that so me only liking their action oriented titles is a me problem, but at least get Muramasa's updated release off the Vita...
What is the issue with getting this out on SOMETHING in the states?!

Trials of mana got not only a release of the snes version in the west for the first time but also a full on remake!
SNK has been doing what they can after KOF 14. Another VS entry is pretty desired, especially after the fuck up that was MVCI. Capcom VS Capcom?
No ports since the ps3, no remaster, consistently being brought up to capcom in their "surveys" and acknowledged, not even a costume in the REmake 3 or SF5 (but Haunting Ground got one?!).

But the ost is on Steam...
Its been 7 years since MVCI. Monster Hunter was so fun in it...

UMVC3 is fine and all and I'm happy its available, but how about you try again and not fuck it up this time?
Nothing since Thieves in Time which I'll admit wasn't all that good.

Ratchet and Clank gets its corpse paraded and even Jak and Daxter with its one good game (the first one) got ps4 ports while the best of the ps2 mascot wars just atrophies in darkness
Squenix, you released the Pixel remasters on switch and ps4. Secret of Mana got a collection along with a release of Trials of mana for the first time ALONG with a full remake. Mana is even getting a new game!

Fuckin Chrono Cross has a more recent release than this with that Radical Dreamers VN!
It aint even on that switch online! The only modern storefront its available on is Steam

1 Comment

1 month ago

I agree, I dont know what the problem is in just rereleasing Terranigma world wide. The entire catalogue of Quintet for that matter, just make a fkn collection.

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