Log Status






Time Played

22h 24m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

January 8, 2024

First played

December 27, 2023

Platforms Played


An excellent game that won't be for everyone.

I have just beat the main story of the game. Still need to do optional puzzles and haven't even touched the gold gate ones yet. This is an extremely compelling puzzle game which encourages lateral thinking to the extent I think it has genuine educational utility. I had to work my brain hard for some of the later puzzles but only found myself finding them too obtuse and unfair maybe once or twice.

The story is secondary but also delivers. The limited cast, including the interactions you have on the games 'social media', are well used to explore a number of perspectives on philosophy and meaning. Every character, even the most minor, has a consistent personality and I felt rewarded for remembering them. Your own character is well served also: notably there was never a case where I felt none of the dialogue options suited me.

I found this experience enjoyable but I can understand why people would find it frustrating. It demands a certain tolerance, an enjoyment of being toyed with. Which is valid, I wish the game were a bit more flexible about how its hint system worked. But worst case scenario if you were to find yourself disagreeing firmly on the game's difficulty I would recommend playing anyway and looking up a guide. Its thematic exploration is worth it, I think.