N.B.: 8 hours logged, just beat the 4th major (has big cutscenes) boss. I have been told it gets worse.

If, like me, you're a huge fan of From Software's soulslike games, this is by some distance the best attempt at recreating their energy. It broadly avoids most of their imitators pitfalls: It has its own aesthetic perspective, feels sincerely concerned about creating a coherent world, and a few exception aside it understands that the appeal of soulsborne was never "it's hard lol".

However, it is mechanically a bit rough around the edges. Certain builds and playstyles are a bit too objectively better than others. Some enemy attack animations are a bit too trolling for the parry system the game operates. And this might be muscle memory from other games talking but I don't think it really articulates when you should be guarding vs trying to perfect guard vs just dodging very well. This may not bother you, and it didn't necessarily bother me either I found it quite funny, but there are several set pieces and even entire areas which wear their influences a bit too on the sleeve.

I can see myself falling off this if what I've been told about a certain status effect is true, and I would recommend playing on game pass or renting if you have that service available to you, but I wouldn't play full retail price for this game. Having said that I'm glad I have played it and I'm very excited for what this team come out with next.

Edit: Ultimately shelved at the first major boss of the final area. Glad I persevered to the point I did.

Reviewed on Oct 01, 2023
