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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

June 1, 2024

First played

January 13, 2024

Platforms Played


started 4:20 am ish

completed 8:20 am

this took such a long time holy fuck it was really hard.

I DID manage to unlock almost every single character, which was especially the biggest pain in the ass in chapter 10b where I unlocked all 3 of those people AND I also got both of the rewards for the 2 characters' soldiers not dying either. That took ages. There were a couple chapters that took me multiple days to complete alone. This I think maybe only happened to me once or twice in blazing sword, including the final chapter.

I only didn't unlock the man wyvern rider because that chapter, chapter 21, was maybe the absolute hardest one for me. It was extremely hard and seemingly rng dependent to even get towards the end, and even then I only even reached the boss room like 3 times out of what must have been at least 100+ attempts. Then even when I get there, the game starts throwing an infinite onslaught of wyvern riders which is extremely hard to deal with at that point, I literally had to choose to go like 2 character slots below the max limit just because I didn't wanna bring people who could very easily get one shot by wyvern riders and just somehow desperately try to baby sit them and have them surrounded on all sides every step of the way to the end of the map. it was just too much lol

That level is singlehandedly why I dropped this game for a few months, but I got back to it and managed to do it, after choosing to just not even try to unlock the male wyvern rider guy (forget his name) because that is too hard to talk to him and not have the girl die, but also to not get him killed.

After that I also had some trouble with chapter 22 though way less than with chapter 21. It just took really goddamn long to unlock all the treasure chests and then bring everyone all the way back to the center, and dealing with the respawning enemies inside the boss room was pretty difficult too and I probably got some good rng there but I managed to do it on like my 2nd or 3rd time reaching the boss room there.

Everything else wasn't that bad. I went with the Sacea route and those chapters really weren't as bad as many people were saying they would be. I was fine with the rest of it.

The game was so hard I started sacred stones and beat that in less than a week while I couldn't beat this months after I started it sdfkjnsd but I'm glad I did beat it, with the best ending

It has some of my favorite character designs, and I am glad to have seen the first fire emblem that would be after the SNES era of it. I've always played and known of the other 2 that did come to the US on gba, so it's cool to see this cross between those and the snes games. Glad I beat this