honestly its fucking shit but i'm glad it's doing well because it's really funny seeing pokemon fans get this heated

Curse these games and their ability to make me cry during the ending cutscenes.

Phenomenal game, and such a step up from Y7 in a lot of ways. I have some gripes with the storytelling, I feel like it sort of loses focus at a point... but still, everything comes together nicely by the end so it's hard to be too upset about it. Other than that, this is probably the best title in the series to date.

Now, can we please let this studio make a fully fledged tycoon / management game? Dondoko was far more fun than it had any right to be!!

this game is like, weirdly chill to me. i've had a lot of fun hanging out with my boyfriend and others for sure, but i also keep finding myself going in solo with some mods installed and just soaking up the atmosphere. idk what it is about it, but roaming the various abandoned buildings and hanging out in the ship on my own just feels oddly... therapeutic? clearly there is something wrong with me.

you are all little haters this game is FINE!!! like yes, it is very clearly imperfect and a bit of a rush job... but also it is very nice kind of mindless fun and i get to play dress up with lucy :)

i love looking at this game. very pretty :0)

more like Tomodachi Lite, amirite??

not really any reason to go back and play this over the 3DS one, but i do think it has a good amount of it's own charm that makes it worth checking out at the very least!

i can make leon kennedy sing various nine inch nails songs, and that's pretty cool. bonus points for letting me just whip out these songs in the battle royale mode too.

love a lot of this game and it's bullshit, but i'm also very glad to be done with it lol. can't see myself coming back for a NG+ run any time soon.

look man, it's fun to swing around and beat up dudes.. but i don't know how much more of the constant chatter and quipping i can take