As always examu/arc system works never misses with them fighting games. Though I've never felt so uncomfortable booting up a game in my life solely due to the dubious character designs. Really only bought the game for the pretty cover art. The 2D sprite art and animation are great and the gameplay is just as good as any other fighter. But seriously if you see a grown ass man play this game unironically: red flag jk... but not really

I've never brain rotted so hard while playing a pokemon game till now. The only thing that kept me going was seeing my bestie tinkaton pummel everything into a billion smithereens

Will I ever complete Arcarum just to get Nier: no. Will I play this game just to get every alt of Cags: yes.

played this game since 2014 till it died ... you go to Spain once and the next thing I know was that I completely lost my fucking You Watanabe UR collection. Whored myself out for google play giftcards for this shit, but at least I got that full combo on Solider Game and Happy Party Train on Master in the end.

Finished in one sitting. Gotta say as a stinky rhythm game player, this sucked duck nuts. Maps varied in quality, some of the remixes were comparable to dad noises at 6 in the morning and the story progession being solely based on social link events for each character didn't really help the already non-existent story but I guess you dont really play these games for the plot anyway sooo who cares. Best thing is the inclusion of the iconic P4A outfits cause I get to see mr twinky little boxer boy Akihiko shirtless :)

Morag's hot, Rex gets bitches, giant mech, angry uncle Malos, thanks to Nia I love Welsh people, Kosmos will never come back with the milk, Dahlia needs breast reduction surgery and pants, Sheba is the embodiment of pathetic sapphic woman, Boreas best blade, and double spinning edge the fuck out of Stanley 24/7