1 review liked by supremecool

Whats funny about this game is that presentation aside, its fairly straightforward mechanically. Its a level based 3d platformer based on alternating forms with different traversal powers to reach the next objective or set of upgrades to your max stamina(or mana or genes or whatever).

I found it to be quite engrossing, even getting some of that "tetris effect" after finishing it, lying in bed with an image of a toy ball rolling up a series of 'oil slick as seen through a kaleidoscope'-ass platforms. If I were to coin a stupid genre name for it it would be a "cheese-em-up" because it hits that primal urge in every attempt to go out of bounds or exploit a physics bug to cheese an annoying puzzle in a more conventional action game. Not all the levels or powers are winners of course, but finally getting up a big tower by some stupid scheme or walking along a line of pixels to reach a nee power through what feels like an "unintended" route; well it feels great. Thankfully I was home alone so no one could hear me cackling maniacally like a supervillain after my victory.

With all that being said, its a hard game to recommend, given that I think that the art direction will kill you if you have any sort of photosensitivity or history of epilepsy, but also that the game's appeal is quite specific.

But you know, thats kinda why its good. More games should be made to cater to a specific idea or urge rather than try to please everyone with the broadest possible sensibilities. Extreme Evolution kind of starts to lose steam after a certain point towards the climax cause you end up unlocking a few OP powers that just invalidate everything else and make the climax more of a formality, but thankfully the weirdness of the story had me interested enough to make it to the end? (I havent gotten all of the endings, but I think I got the "important ones"). Its one of those games where thematically and mechanically it feels like any kind of detail feels like a spoiler, given its intention seems to be to piece something for yourself in both cases, so I wont go too much into it. I will say however, that I was sold on the game when the first level of all was called "birth" and involved you as an "egg" rolling down a big tube to essentially be born.

As for the story, its like that scene at the end of 2001 : a space odyssey but for an entire game, idk what the fuck is going on beyond some vague ideas and interpretations about what it means, Id probably need to replay through the whole thing with a team or archaeologists to make heads or tails of it, but then I am kinda dumb so idk.

A pleasant surprise to be sure, a nice change of pace that has some interesting ideas in design

Edit : Got all the endings, including the canon ending, pretty cool