1785 Reviews liked by surrealshinjokun

Strictly an improvement to the first game. Boasting a more in-depth story mode, more ways to customize your experience/levels, and many new gadgets n gizmos for platforming this game took an already great formula and nearly perfected it.

If you were to get one of the LittleBigPlanet games at their respective peaks; this is definitely the best choice of the main three.

Its unique charm built upon its predecessor, with more gameplay elements which feel natural to the game. An entirely expanded-upon system of creation for user-generated content. Being one of the pioneers of the UGC genre, the game deserves a lot of acknowledgment just for that alone.

The story itself is, just like the first game, not very notable. However, the difficulty curve is a lot more reasonable for completion, yet maintaining a similar or tougher difficulty to 100% it.

With LBP1's well-chosen soundtrack, it is difficult for LBP2 to outdo it, but I think it is reasonable to say that the OST for this game is much more atmospheric and suited for a large variety of uses, whereas the first game seemed more constrained to meshing with the story.

Personally, I think the character-building in the first game is better, but utilising the third-most important addition to the game (being sackbots) as characters was definitely the way to do it, as the further ramifications of this led to insanely creative levels. Now that I've mentioned that sackbots are the "third-most important addition", I would say that the two additions I consider to have fundamentally changed the way LBP works is the Controllinator and the Microchip; being able to completely alter the way LBP is played and works. That is not even to mention other cool stuff like the Music Sequencer, new Power-Ups, Versus levels, etc.

Unfortunately, as LBP2 is PS3-exclusive, and the LBP Trilogy's PS3 servers are shut down permanently, the user-generated and online aspects are sadly absent - however, the creativity that was shown back then was phenomenal.

The second game in Itoi's great game developement journey.

There is a lot I love about this game, the music, the visuals, and even the story are all fantastic and make an incredible full package. This game spares no attention to detail and contains a lot of charming small details and odd interactions you wont find in most games. From riding the bus to the camera man who takes your picture every now again, I truly do love the smaller things about this game.

I will admit, as much as I love this game, it has a few issues that keep it from being a perfect 5 stars for me. Some segments of this game are incredibly difficult even by SNES RPG standards, and I think some sections drag on a bit too long for my liking. That said it is still a wonderful time with great music and charming visuals.

Annoying but in a funny way

It's the worst version of Jack ever. I think it was a stripped down version of Jack 1 but I could be wrong. Definitely doesn't have the humor or appeal of the real deal PC versions.

very underrated, most people don't know of its existence

Why are actors such wawa babies. Some masterpieces were made that are forever gone

This game fucking sucks holy shit, but the music is really peak yup for sure

i can't even lie i definitely enjoyed playing this game even tho it was extremely repetitive and the pace was weird.

Probably my favourite GTA game (unless GTA VI turns out to be as good as RDR2)

Probably my favourite game of all time. Characters, story, gameplay, graphics. All of it is extremely good.