it's literally doom


it's literally doom

jokes aside it's a fun game that doesn't stray far at all from its 90s "boomer shooter" genre inspirations for better or for worse. some cool enviromental storytelling but oddly enough i liked dusk the best when it was channeling tobe hooper with the first episode. after that it was a lot of industrial and supernatural stuff, which was fine, but i've seen it done before! give me more redneck-y horror vibes.

also speaking of, i think the frantic and tense nature of an old-school shooter really lends itself well to its horror setting. there were a couple times where i was well and spooked either due to the well-done atmosphere of some levels or because of certain enemy placements i wasnt expecting which was neat

actual level design can be kind of questionable at times imo, especially when youre in a super cramped area and it's hard to avoid enemies, but the arena segments of the game whip ass and when the gameplay hits, it hits. with games like these i just wanna sit back with my white monster energy zero ultra and enjoy the carnage

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2021
