imo probably the best and most realized plot the yakuza series has had to date with my favorite cast of characters, shit ruled


though i found the new turn based gameplay enjoyable, it was pretty clear RGG still has some kinks they need to work out for the future. i think this is hardly a fault of their own because this is their first time doing a turn-based title after years of brawlers. not the earth shattering JRPG experience people say it is (maybe people are saying that because of how much it contrasts with YLAD's relatively unique setting for a JRPG instead of how it actually plays? idk) but still very much a fun time. i also spent like 90-100 hours playing this total cuz i was trying to max out kasuga's stats and complete all the substories lol

like i said, this is absolutely my new favorite yakuza plot and its got me really excited for a yakuza 8 (or like a dragon 2 i guess) where the RGG squad can really polish up the gameplay and have it be on par with their clearly ambitious goals

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2021

1 Comment

3 years ago

in case it wasnt clear you have to read the "BUT!" here in stephen a smith's voice