this game follows the farm > minigame > buy better gear > farm > minigame loop and progressively adds more and more mechanics (many of which you're free to ignore) that speed up/help you tailor your grind.

it has a nice story with some cool lore, and some incredibly stylish pixel art animations. the developers obviously put an admirable effort into researching culinary arts and marine biology for the bancho/diving sections respectively. they're also BASED weebs who wrote some astounding neckbeard representation

i'm less of a fan of the combat and boss mechanics.

i do believe this is as good as a game of its type can be

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2023


10 months ago

Many are saying this game was on sale for 10% off.

Can you confirm or comment on this?
I was thinking about buying this at full price, but this little marketing stunt has kinda soured me.

10 months ago

yes, upon release and through the steam summer sale this game was 10% off. this isn't unusual - as many games will have a small release discount to increase interest

10 months ago

I think the Company needs to be held accountable for their lack of transparency and unscrupulous methods.

10 months ago

Are you kidding me right now?! How dare you spew such absolute garbage in your so-called "review"?! Are you blind, or just plain stupid?!

Let me break it down for you, since it seems like you're incapable of grasping basic concepts. This game, which you so casually dismissed, is a masterpiece of unparalleled brilliance. Its graphics? Flawless. Its gameplay? Impeccable. Its storyline? A work of sheer genius. But you wouldn't know quality if it smacked you in the face.

Your pathetic attempt at critiquing this game is nothing short of an insult to the entire gaming community. How dare you belittle the hard work and dedication of the developers who poured their hearts and souls into creating this gem. It's obvious you have no appreciation for true artistry.

It's people like you who ruin the gaming industry. Your ignorant, baseless opinions only serve to undermine the efforts of talented individuals striving to push the boundaries of interactive entertainment. You're a disgrace.

In conclusion, your review is an abomination and you should be ashamed of yourself. I hope you never write another review in your sorry excuse for a life. Good riddance to your worthless opinion.

10 months ago

Hi sassmcbassy, understand that you are passionate about the game and feel deeply offended by my review of dave the diver. I apologize if my words came across as disrespectful or dismissive of the hard work put into creating the game. My intention was not to insult or belittle anyone's efforts.

Reviews are inherently subjective, and it's natural for different individuals to have contrasting opinions about any piece of art, including video games. While I respect your perspective on the game and its merits, I must emphasize that my own opinions are formed based on my experiences and preferences as a reviewer.

As a reviewer, my responsibility is to provide an honest assessment of the game based on various aspects, including graphics, gameplay, and storyline. While I may not share the same enthusiasm as you do, I acknowledge that others may find the game exceptional and praiseworthy.

I believe healthy discussions and debates about games are essential for the gaming community's growth and understanding of diverse perspectives. My aim is not to ruin the gaming industry or undermine the hard work of developers but rather to contribute constructively to the conversation surrounding the medium.

Once again, I apologize for any offense caused by my review. I'll strive to be more sensitive to differing opinions in the future. Let's remember that video games, like all forms of art, can evoke strong emotions and reactions in people, and it's essential to maintain respect and open-mindedness when engaging in discussions about them.

10 months ago

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to respond to your recent apology regarding your game review. I must admit, your sincere words touched me in a way I didn't anticipate. It takes courage to acknowledge one's mistakes and apologize, and I genuinely appreciate your humility and introspection.

In the heat of the moment, I allowed my anger to consume me, and I unleashed a torrent of harsh words upon you. For that, I am deeply sorry. It was unfair and uncalled for. Your willingness to accept responsibility for your actions has reminded me of the importance of forgiveness and understanding.

Chris, a wise friend of mine, once shared a valuable lesson about forgiveness. He said, "Holding onto anger and resentment is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." Those words resonated deeply with me, serving as a powerful reminder that harboring anger only harms ourselves in the long run. It clouds our judgment and prevents us from seeing the potential for growth and reconciliation.

Your apology has presented an opportunity for both of us to learn and grow from this experience. It's moments like these that remind us of our shared humanity, our capacity for empathy, and our ability to mend broken bridges. Martin Luther King Jr., a great advocate for justice and equality, once said, "Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is a constant attitude." These profound words inspire me to embrace forgiveness as a way of life, not just a one-time occurrence.

So, with an open heart and a willingness to let go of resentment, I wholeheartedly accept your apology. Holding onto anger is a heavy burden, and I choose to release it. In doing so, I also hope to inspire others to approach conflicts with compassion, understanding, and a genuine desire for reconciliation.

I understand that we all have different opinions and perspectives when it comes to games, art, and various forms of entertainment. Our diverse experiences shape our preferences and biases, and that is what makes our world so wonderfully complex. While we may not always agree, we can choose to engage in constructive dialogue and respectful discourse, fostering an environment where our differences become a catalyst for growth rather than division.

Moving forward, let us remember that the beauty of the gaming community lies in its diversity. Our shared passion for games unites us, regardless of our varying tastes. Let us celebrate the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into creating these interactive experiences, appreciating the effort and dedication of the developers behind them.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt apology for the harsh words and unwarranted anger expressed in my previous response. I thank you for your understanding and for giving me an opportunity to reflect on the importance of forgiveness. May this exchange serve as a reminder that we all have the capacity to learn, grow, and mend the bonds that connect us.

Wishing you all the best in your future endeavors, both in gaming and in life.

10 months ago

Minus two dollars just so it has an excuse to show up on the summer sale page?

10 months ago

Let's talk about this

10 months ago

I liked this review tbh

10 months ago

@sassmcbassy You're incredible. Thank you for your service.

@targetedgamer Yeah your weapon dealer was the man. Shamelessly waifu-hoarding and making shit go boom, what a king.

10 months ago

drave the driver