When people think of Mario 64 you can think of a few things depending on a few things. You either think of the fun of Bom-Bomb Battlefield, flying with the wing cap, or climbing Whomps’s Fortress. Or you think of falling off of Rainbow Ride because you moved slightly to the left, climbing up Tick-Tock Clock to collect all 7 stars, or just the general frustration with the camera.
I think both of these points are valid but I think what completely overrides the negatives is the amount of MODS this game has. I mean you have multiplayer, all new level, some people even made whole new games with the exact same engine! Personally I think M64’s biggest problem is the level design later on but the modding community is so creative and constantly working on a new project. With Mario’s excellent movement in this game people have made astonishing levels around it.
If you haven’t given some of them a shot I insist you do, heck they even added multiplayer to the game. Without mods M64 might’ve been a 3 1/2 or 4 but with them, which is really the only way to play, it’s just some of the best Mario gameplay you can get.

Reviewed on May 18, 2023
