8 reviews liked by tatanukichi

i think its very funny that i completed this one. unironically a very fun game for the gamers who enjoy flash dress up games. my demographic. bratz rule. girls rule.

A core part of my personality

the songs are such are banger

My brother in christ, just don't summon evil forces the next time you're doing alchemy...

i absolutely LOVED this. played for almost 10 hours straight so i could see all the endings, it just draws you in that hard. there is so little like this out there and i was blown away (including by laughter)

An absolutely insane time travel adventure game. The mechanics are pretty basic but I think the story allows this game to punch above its weight. The weird twink Satan is voiced by Charles Martinet.

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fake "cannibalism is love" when real "cannibalism is love" cannibals arrive to the function

i think sometimes, you just want to play a game for insane people. and this is that game. yaoi for the joker. the story of this legit gripped me and i even teared up at one point. i hope my ancestors were watching over me during my playtime and hoping the bloodline dies with me

1 list liked by tatanukichi