2 Reviews liked by tauttie

"oh i guess i wasn't meant to make it into that room at all but of course L + Ratio + Slide Jump + Plunge Cancel"

Ohh my fucking god the movement (SCHMOVEMENT, for the well-read) in this game. I'm not the most metroidvania literate person nor do I dislike them at all. But I was really excited to see one that really didn't want its items to just feel like getting a key to unlock some doors to get a key and so on, covered in a nice coat of paint. The line between what you can and can't get through is often blurry here. You'll see a black hole thing, or a long gap with only a wall, or a narrow hallway that makes it pretty obvious what ability is kinda sorta intended for this room. But honestly who needs to bounce off an orb when you can high jump and slide onto that wall right next to it? Who needs to slide to get that one collectable when you can do a high jump and some stupid precise wall kicks and MAKE IT. It's all so cool. Little moments like that appear from the very beginning of the game, planting that seed in your head that you can push these abilities to their limit and actually get rewarded for it. The only abilities I didn't really care about were obviously the few that weren't movement-based, but bits that needed the projectile usually made for a session of beating my head against the wall with all the other abilities (my skull can't be broken). O how badly I tried to cheese you, room right next to where you unlock it. That charge strike though? Pure lock and key. Hang that shit on the coat rack.

I was also very worried when I heard that this game (a metroidvania) didn't have a map (gulp!). But no. It's all good. Everything was just small-scale enough to where I could fit everything (well, at least the important rooms and shortcuts) in my brain. If anything I'm glad I wasn't diverting my attention to look at a minimap in the corner or open a whole other screen every minute. You are here to look at that chunky house, not some silly lines!

It was kinda weird how sparse the combat was? You're given a tougher-than-I-expected boss in the tutorial, then your next boss it at the end (a great fight btw, has you using a lot of your movement moves). And enemies aren't a factor in a lot of sections, either because the only ones weren't very aggressive or that there weren't any at all! Seriously, I forgot a few times that there was combat. The handful of different attack upgrades I came across made it stick out even more. Not to say that enemies are totally ignorable. I had to deal with those hand things if I didn't wanna get shot from across the room, and those knight statue guys were pretty persistent, following me across whole areas. But hey, that's more time dedicated to the platforming, which is what I'm here for baby!

"(mumbles) that's how i'm tryna be"