Finished the BP for the V-bucks but honestly this had the shittest battle pass in quite a while lol, you know you fucked something up when the most notable thing on it was just Some Guy from Tiktok. Map locations were cool and heisting tools were neat for a while, but a couple new areas on an old map still feels mostly old, and it very quickly became my experience where if you were solo and weren't running turrets you were just always at a disadvantage which is a bit lame.

Cannot say I'm terribly excited for Fortnite OG. I've got like 600 hours in this game and probably 200-300 of those were in chapter 1 and I think they're trying to bring back something that just doesn't exist anymore. Those seasons worked because there just weren't that many people cracked at building so if you could build a quick 1x1 and just sit in it you were chillin, but now the skill floor to enjoy a building mode is just so much higher. AFAIK they're keeping nobuild, but I expect there to be problems with having nobuild on a map that wasn't designed for it. Been seeing a lot of the people most loudly be clamoring for Old Fortnite Back be like 17 on twitter (i.e. they were 11 when those seasons were coming out lmao) so I'm expecting their nostalgia glasses to get shattered so we can just stop pretending like this game was better before they added, like, sprinting or revives or whatever they ended up deciding to remove lol. TBH the reason Fortnite still works is because they've tried like a million things and kept only the stuff that works, reverting all that for a little while just feels odd to me.

Reviewed on Nov 03, 2023
