The novelty season.

Season's not completely done yet but I'm gonna log this now because not much else is gonna change before it does. This season, maybe more than any other, is one that seems insanely cool on the surface, but which pretty quickly revealed itself to just be a bunch of little novelties stapled together.

Cool new gamemodes, too bad that they're all only interesting for maybe an hour or two each (with Lego Fortnite feeling particularly uneventful and grindy, and the rhythm one being comically expensive for how simple it is).
Cool train, too bad that it's such a minor and inconsequential part of the map.
Cool new map, too bad that most of the locations aren't that interesting or unique, with two different farms, two different swanky coastal areas, and two different swanky mansions. When the most interesting POI on your map is some tennis courts and an unnamed yacht shoved off to the side, shit is dire.
Cool new weapon upgrade system, too bad that all the weapons share the same small pool of options and you're always gonna want the ones that play the most into the given weapon (i.e., snipers are always gonna use the 4x scope, angled foregrip, and larger magazine), with the rest not doing anything to change how you play at all.

It's fine, it's still Fortnite. But in the grand scheme of things it's a pretty bland filler season, which is pretty bad for the start of a chapter, given CH4's was great. Not completely terrible, as the best part of last chapter's map was added in season 2 (the purple area in the southeast), but this is very much a map that I'll be excited for big sweeping changes to happen to, rather than a solid base to build off of.

Reviewed on Feb 14, 2024
