
Trying to get better at dropping games I'm not clicking with and not forcing myself through them, and I guess Myst III is next up on the chopping block.

Not because I think it's bad or anything. The panoramic interaction scheme here is the best and most intuitive the series has seen yet, and the bits of story I've seen so far have been fun, and some of the puzzles I've done have been neat as well. I'm just not really locking into the vibe as much as I did with Myst. Feels too trial and error with the story being too forward.

I think Myst [original] works the best for me since you're piecing together everything, not just the puzzles. Once Riven comes along, the Myst series now has capital L Lore and it's not so mysterious anymore, just fantastical (as well as the puzzles being far too difficult/trial-and-error-y for me to be able to parse without a guide). That lack of mystery is heightened to a fever pitch here, to the point where the "Myst" name stops really making a whole lot of sense. I can tolerate old school trial and error-y point&click puzzling through gritted teeth, but it's hard to really justify it in my head when the atmosphere isn't really as opaque as the puzzles (to no one's surprise, I am not the biggest point & click fan lol).

It does just feel like more of the same to me, only not as good. If you're ride or die for this series coming out of Riven, then that's probably still pretty dope, but I tenuously like Myst and tenuously dislike Riven, so there's not much going for me here.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
