normally i'd say "this is just the same game with a fresh coat of paint," but guys? i think they forgot the paint

like every f2p multiplayer game, it's not quite as rancid as my last few OW1 experiences were yet, but give it like 3 weeks for the non-tryhards to lose interest and it'll get there. aside from that it is quite literally the same exact game

edit: Just as I predicted after about 2 weeks every match was just filled with sweats and it was no longer something i'd ever voluntarily log onto to kill 30 minutes with some friends. If the people playing it didn't suck it'd be like a 6 or 7/10, which pretty much exactly mirrors my opinion of the original. Maybe dock half a star for the battlepass shit or the "blizzard released it as a coverup" shit, idk. But separated from that, long story short, yet again E-Sports culture unsurprisingly makes yet another multiplayer game absolutely unbearable to play

edit 2: lowered it half a star from 1 when i found out they locked new heroes to the battle pass if you didn't already own overwatch 1, lmao fuck outta here

Reviewed on Oct 06, 2022
