Finished: JEDI: FALLEN ORDER | 4.0/5.0

Respawn delivered more than I ever imagined with this game. The gameplay, while borrowing from many other titles, is quite polished. It’s as if Uncharted, Mass Effect, and Tomb Raider gave birth to this baby, and the exploration and sense of discovery here feel closest to Lara Croft’s adventures than anything else. The Metroidvania aspects are a real hook, and collecting new ponchos and upgrades make long searches worthwhile.

But the real draw? This story. God DAMN this story. The characters are fine and the actual journey isn’t incredibly unique for an open world game like this, but the narrative beats sync with the films in a way that was both unexpected and heartbreaking. The way everything comes together in the end made me cry like an idiot. The final battle is a bit anticlimactic and I was hoping for more fallout by the end credits, but I can’t help but feel truly impressed by what the devs at Respawn have accomplished.

The platforming can be finicky at times. The maps are really complex and it’s too easy to get lost. The difficulty spikes can be super frustrating, and the parrying system never feels precise enough. But I can’t help but love this thing in spite of its flaws. Fan service for this thing is real, and not in a masturbatory nostalgic way either. Jedi: Fallen Order gets the franchise better than a number of its own films. Highly recommended!

Reviewed on May 07, 2020
