(I'm only in chapter 3, please no spoilers) This may be one of the most underrated games of all time. Let's get this out of the way. The gameplay won't appeal to everyone. It is slow and atmospheric, with occasional stealth and combat breaking up the mainly traversal based combat. The story is an acid trip of insanity, with a message that would be incredibly relevant only 6 months after it came out. Everything worked against this game, but after falling in love with kojima's metal gear series, i went, "fuck it why shouldn't i give it a shot." God damn. this game is really good.

the graphics are beautiful, and it is one of the only games i consistently took screenshots in. so many times did i go holy shit this game is gorgeous. There are very few games that make me sit there and just stare at the beautiful landscapes. this is one of them.

The combat is stupidly underrated, being smooth and snappy, and the stealth, while not as good as the metal gear games, doesn't need to be. The heart pounding feeling of trying to slip past a bunch of BTs unnoticed, the sheer panic of being chased down by them, as you try to escape while carrying dozens of valuable items weighing you down.

The equipment in death stranding is so good and a better loadout system than most multiplayer shooters, with the best equipment not being dictated by patches and the meta, but by how you want to make your journey. If you need to get through mountainous terrain then ladders and climbing ropes are your best bet. But if you need to carry heavy cargo through that same terrain, you might need to take the risk of trying to climb it unassisted. Are you going through MULE infested territory? then the best equipment would be either sandalweed shoes for silent sneaking, which pairs great with a strand or even a maser gun. If you prefer the loud approach, then pack some firepower and a power skeleton to sprint out of there if things get overwhelming.

All of it is so unique and worth trying, even if you don't think you'll like it. there is a lot more than just walking, and even then, the game makes a simple trek across a valley a breathtaking experience. In short, it's a great thing that this game is divisive. it means that there will always be discourse surrounding whether this game is a masterpiece or Kojima going too far off the rails and running over a family of four. 9/10 so far.

Reviewed on May 20, 2024
