Logging on to valentines super fun blocks obby and farming ipad kids for their mario question mark blocks. Finding the spawnpoint of the ipad kids (they are japanese) and digging a little pit for them to fall in to farm them easier. Taking their remains and using their mario question mark blocks to build a great big tower in the distance. The ipad kids seeing the tower and turning into zombies, mindlessly deciding now with their young cognition that they must run at and break the tower. Defending the tower from the ipad kids by building tall walls and a dangerous moat. You can buy a super powerful god sword for 1000 robux (12 dollars) which goes into your inventory. I kill you and steal your 1000 robux sword for free. I farm ipad children with your 1000 robux sword in the pit. They are digging out of the pit because it is dirt and they are no longer japanese. Someone else goes on stone duty because there are too many children to kill. Someone else still goes on base duty because the children are escaping the pit and storming the tower. The pit must be made of stone.There are too many children to kill. They are dropping their inventories and proliferating weaponry and blocks across the horde of children in the pit. They are digging out of the stone pit seconds after spawning and towering out of the pit with blocks they picked up from the inventories of children who were killed hours ago. Eventually a cognitive, functioning player joins the game. They instantly escape the pit. They kill one of the workers on the pit. They must be dealt with. They are sent back to the pit, but now they are filling it with dirt. All the children are escaping. Dozens of children are pouring out of the pit. They are escaping. They must all be chased down and killed. Sent back to the pit.

Playing this game was the most stressful, excruciating and exciting zombie game I have ever played in my life, and the zombies are wave after wave of real-life ipad kids joining the game, getting farmed for 10 minutes, and leaving. I don't know how they kept joining and joining and joining. Occasionally there would only be a few children left, and we would have a reprieve. Then the horde would arrive. Multiple people had to be doing multiple things, and if any one of us failed for even a few seconds, we would be swept then under the crushing tide. Someone had to protect the tower and kill the leaders. Someone had to repair the pit and produce the valley around it and kill the lost. Someone had to farm the pit, farm the children, unending, constantly, forever. I went to go to the bathroom for like a minute and when I came back everything had gone wrong, hell had broken loose, the horde was free, and that's ignoring the bosses (functioning humans) and mini-bosses (children with full inventories). Items dropped in the pit would never escape the pit. The children kept dying and spilling their belongings cross the masses, blocks and weapons and tools, for them to doltishly bug-eye not knowing what to do with or to put to the test, tunneling through or fighting back. Leading each other to safety, to the surface, to the tower, hope.

I am genuinely so happy that pvp is forced from the moment you spawn to the moment you leave, and that because its a stupid clickbait garbage nu evil roblox game, only the stupidest babies and the dumbest children log on with their smart phones and tablets and can barely function. It's so funny to farm them for their starter mario question mark blocks because they don't know how to fight back or run away. It's so funny to make a mob grinder for ipad children

Reviewed on Feb 05, 2024
