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October 19, 2023

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I just finished assassins creed mirage and its a mixed bag for sure, i got quite a few pros and cons about it

Nice length, not overwhelming (took me about 14-15 hours)
Return to a densely packed city was welcoming, you can parkour through every building without touching the ground which has been missing for the last decade
Heavier focus on stealth over combat
Loved using the tools, they brought back the op throwing knife from ac syndicate and also loved the smokebomb
Some rly good chases around town, the guards follow you if youre wanted
The controversial teleported assassination mechanic was actually pretty fun to use imo
Amazing ending

Middling story, besides the ending
Melee combat and equipment has been way downgraded from the past games, theres such a short collection of swords and they all feel the same. Theres no bow this time either. I guess they rly wanted ro make an early ac game
Parkour animations couldve been more fluid and streamlined
2017 ass graphics, its very much a last gen game coming out late. I wish the city had some more variety to its look as well

All in all i enjoyed it mostly when i was stealthing around and using my toolset, not so much the actual combat. And the story and world i think are just mid tier for AC. I expect a bigger jump in their next gen project coming next year. It was worth the $15 I paid for it and a few other games on Ubisoft+, wouldn’t recommend it for higher than that