One of the coolest gaming experiences that was severely difficult to experience.

I love a good co-op game. There's nothing quite like working together with a friend, family member, or significant other to complete a game in tandem. Four-player co-op is even better, but it becomes more difficult to get four consistent players for a campaign. If you manage make that happen though, it's gonna be a great time.

Four Swords Adventures is no exception. The few times I've played it with three other people, it's become one of the coolest games I've ever played. But you don't just have to get three other people, you also have to acquire four GBA-to-GC Link Cables and four GBA systems. When this game came out, that was $440 of extra hardware. Now maybe your friends all had GBAs they could bring over, but that's completely up to chance.

The game played solo is fine. It's a decent top-down Zelda experience, but the way it's segmented into levels feels odd. It's difficult to score the game overall. As a single-player campaign, it's probably a 3/5, but when you've got four Zelda fans with GBAs in hand, I'd say it's a perfect 5.

If you have the chance to experience that, don't pass it up. If you come across cheap GBAs, it might be worth picking them up just so you're prepared for the next time you've got teammates available.

If a Nintendo game ever needed to be rereleased with online co-op, it's this one.

Reviewed on May 29, 2022
