I never played Revelations when it came out and now I know what a huge mistake that was. It really resonated with me. While maybe a bit too short overall, I think it easily has the best gameplay in the Ezio trilogy and the same goes for the top tier soundtrack. You can really feel the writers love and care for its world, story and characters. Ezio and Altair are so well written here and their conclusion is perfect.

Constantinople is a great parkour playground (maybe the best), the addition of ziplines is cool an all but the introduction of the hook blade, is just genius. It's really nice of the developers to throw Ezio a bone in his old age, extends grab ledge range and speeds up building ascents without completely compromising parkour gameplay.

The AC 1 to Revelations parkour system never even reached its full potential. After this they started simplifying parkour in AC 3 and then never looked back, they didn't try to make a great system even greater but rather reinvent a wheel that was never broken by simplifying it to oblivion, killing any creativity and freedom these games had.

It just leaves a bittersweet feeling knowing this was the peak of Assassin's Creed and always will be...unless Ubisoft finally get a clue. (they won't)

Also, the gameplay in Desmond's Journey and The Lost Archive can absolutely get in the bin

Reviewed on Apr 22, 2024
