I knew this game was divisive and for many didn't live up to expectations for a game with so many legends (Akira Yamaoka, Mikami, and Suda in one game could've been the most monumental game I ever played in my life) behind it but I wanted to believe I'd be different. For the first half of the game or so I wasn't sure what the issue was. The gameplay isn't anything particularly special and it's pretty repetitive but it's nothing that the incredible soundtrack, voice acting, and dialogue couldn't overtake. Garcia is incredible and the love of my life.

Like any other Mikami game I've played, the cracks started to show in the mid or late portion of the game. Things started to get a bit messy with some of the boss encounters being less than great. Lots of messy hit boxes that rely on context sensitive moments where damage can be dealt out while your health is being drained adds up to a frustrating experience. Some of them went on for what felt like ages on the normal difficulty so I couldn't even imagine on hard. Regardless, I was still enjoying my time up until this point.

The last straw of sorts was Act 4. The pacing all but screeches to a halt as we end up with a series of levels featuring repetitive gimmicks and three 2D turret/arcade shooter sections to top things off. I understand this is a thing with a lot of Suda games but I've never seen it be so prevalent and invasive in the other games. It was cute/mildly charming the first time even if the mechanics were bad, I was irritated the second time, and then the third time made me consider quitting the game if I wasn't close to being finished.

I'm glad I stuck around because I wanted to finish the story off and the gameplay did mostly improve to an at least acceptable state. The final bosses left a bit to be desired but I'll take it over more turret sections or chase sequences.

It's a shame this game had such a troublesome development period. I'm not exactly surprised it did with EA publishing but I'm not sure what anyone involved in this on either end was expecting of each other? I'm glad the game exists even in this not ideal form. One of the most unique and memorable games of its gen and I'd love to see it get a remaster/port someday.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2019
