as a sick and twisted individual who enjoys janky, open-ended 3D platformers infinitely more than tight, immaculately designed 2D platformers, this fuckin' rules. got more dopamine dying over and over in one of the shitty mario sunshine references than i did from the entirety of the real (actually good) celeste. though it's actually pretty impressive it's as functional as it is considering developing 3D platformers is really fucking difficult, let alone making one in just a week. also i can't wait for madeline to be the third canonical trans lesbian in super smash bros

Reviewed on Jan 30, 2024


THIRD?! i could see the argument for corrin but who's the second?

3 months ago

janky open ended 3D platformer gang rise up

3 months ago

@pronounspronouns tbh i just said she'd be the third cuz it sounded funny to me loool, but i do really like to see the overly defensive cishet gamers squirm when i claim rosalina is canonically trans. i guess the third is up to individual interpretation (it's samus)

@poyfuh the more people complain about fucked up controls or poorly implemented cameras, the more powerful we become...
How's rosalina trans

3 months ago

@NOWITSREYNTIME17 what makes you assume she couldn't be? the way any specific fictional character arrived at a gender identity is very rarely disclosed. there's occam's razor scenarios where characters reproduce/get pregnant, and it's easier to assume in those situations that they're probably cis, as opposed to applying sci-fi medical scenarios that would allow, say, a trans woman to get pregnant or a trans man to impregnate somebody else (and even then who cares if somebody wants to say they're trans lol). but honestly i just say things like that because a) many trans girls actually do relate to rosalina or any other character that fits into those criteria, and b) it really doesn't matter as much as cis ppl think it does. cis is (erroneously) the assumed default for many, but trans headcanons are, in 99.9% of cases, harmless and often meaningful interpretations for an individual to engage with -- especially when there's so little actual queer representation in mainstream media

3 months ago

@theia You're forgetting Cloud
@theia i mean you said canonical instead of headcannon so I didn't know what you meant lol

3 months ago

@Archagent oh true, and sephiroth too, can't forget our problematic queen

3 months ago

dont 4get byleth

3 months ago

little mac

3 months ago

yeah it's definitely samus. my evidence: the overwhelming amount of trans samus art. i rest my case.