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Jet Set Radio Future begs the question, "what if Jet Set Radio was as fun to play as it is to look at?". The original Dreamcast game is considered a Sega classic, but I'll always be of the firm opinion that none of that is because of it's gameplay. It has an amazing soundtrack and presentation, but at it's core it's a very mediocre experience. Future fixes all of this. The original's sluggish, imprecise movement is replaced with a much quicker and fluid system, designed for exploration and racking up massive trick combos. The levels are updated to accommodate this, nearly each one being a large, open playground. Graffiti is also simplified to the press of a button, rather than a quicktime event. Even the aesthetic that made the first game so special is updated, opting for a darker vibe that fits the game's setting of a corporation-oppressed Tokyo. Overall it's one of the most fun games Sega's ever put out. I just wish they'd port it to PC already.