Log Status






Time Played

6h 5m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 12, 2021

Platforms Played


The Rewinder is a point-and-click adventure game set based on mythological China. In the game you play as Yun who can explore people's memories to alter the past. First off, the setting is pretty unique, the closest comparison I can compare to is Detective Di which was set in ancient China. The gameplay here though was the big selling point for me. I love when point-and-click adventure games go beyond simple combine items and talk to people puzzles. Here there are lots of logic puzzles that are really well integrated with the story. On top of that there is also the memory manipulation mechanic which involves trying to change people's mind to alter the past. I found solving these puzzles really satisfying and payed through the whole game without looking up anything other than the default orientation for a magic square. There are a few quick time puzzles I didn't enjoy, but weren't too difficult.

I wasn't really blown away by the plot or the characters and the game reuses the same scenes for different puzzles so you don't get to go on a big adventure. I know these are things that most people prioritize with these kind of games, but I recommend it based on the puzzles alone. 4/5