Mad Max is a tough game to rate. On one hand, I felt that it was a solid open world game set in the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max. Howeve, there were parts of the game that were flawed and did impact my overall experience with the game

Let's start with the positives. Firstly, the car combat is amazing. Over the course of the game, you will receive access to a variety of weapons to use, whilst driving the Magnum Opus. These range from a grappling hook to tear off pieces of enemy cars to explosive harpoons that allow you to literally blow up your enemies. Since you spend most of your time driving around, making the car combat entertaining is important and the developers definitely achieved that.
The other major thing Mad Max excels at is its open world. Too often, I find open world games either try to stuff their worlds full fo activiites and collectibles, making it a chore for players to fully complete; or don't fill their world enough, leaving it empty and quite boring to explore. Mad Max has the right balance. There are a number of different activties and collectibles, which there are usually one or two of each kind in each region; giving the player an incentive to explore the world fully.

Unfortunately, its not all positive. The boss fights are very disappointing. Although there are plenty of boss fights, most bosses have the same attack patterns; which means you spend most of the game fighting the same person, except in a different outfit, making these fights rather repetitive. I will call out the final boss fight, which was very anticlimatic and disappointing. For any developers out there: don't spend the whole game telling the player how strong and 'invincible' your main antagonist is, when in the final fight a player can take the boss down in two attacks.
Speaking of the ending, I found the pacing was very rushed. You play through the first three acts, which will take you several hours to complete, if you are completeling the game fully; but the final two acts only take about an hour combined to finish. It almost feels like the developers were rushing to meet a deadline and decided to cut some narrative corners.

So, as you can see, I have conflicted feelings about Mad Max. On the one hand, I think its a solid open world, post-apocalyptic game; but on the other hand, it isn't a polished game. It is rushed and there are some parts of the gameplay that have been duplicated, like the boss fights, making the game feel repetitive. I would recommend Mad Max if its one sale or if you are a big fan of open world/post-apocalyptic games.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022
