Probably the most dissapointing SMT i've ever played, how do i even start with this one?

Is not a bad game, but there's so much bullshit is really hard to enjoy this game. Starting with what most people love about this game, the story and characters, and i recall, WHAT STORY, WHAT CHARACTERS? The game starts interesting im mikado and lose ALL OF IT'S PACING once we get to Tokyo, any form of driving force or narrative is lost while I GET LOST on tokyo itself, there's not a single memorable villain or fight in this entire game, if wasnt for memes from the internet, i would never guess the fucking Minotaur bossfight was a memorable or difficult fight, it was just another fight in the pile of forgetable things from this game, the combat however is incredable, i love how this game expands the press turn system, however the Smirk system is complete dogshit in this game, is so broken and unfun, it's literally a get out of jail free card in any battle.

Jonathan and Walter are the definition of their own aligments, and i know is on purpose, but coming from Nocturne were we didn't have set in stone characters and aligments having this charicatures walking around is really sad, when a game from the 3ds have characters as deep as characters from SMT1 for the Snes isn't a good thing, also Isabeu is a complete nothing of a characters, she's supposed to be the Neutral side, but she becomes the "I don't have a opinion on this matter cya", also her gimmick of liking Yaoi is laughable, because it shows they had no idea how to make this character likeable or interesting in any way shape or form, so they create a gimmick to at least she have something quotable or worth remembering. Also zero memorable villains, none, goose egg.

Also getting lost in this game fucking sucks, you have no indication or direction, it's a fucking 3DS game, being so cryptic and directionless isn't fun or engaging, it's frustrating, no Sign or Arrow or Pointer, get lost and figure it shit out by yourself, WTF is this a 2003 game?
Also the alignment system in this game is complete garbage, it's so finnicky, it doesn't show u directly unlike SJ FOR FUCK SAKE A GAME FROM WHAT 10 YEARS AGO? Both chaos and law ending fucking suck, feels like such a cope out, feels like it's lacking content and meaningful results or situations, the game is heavily skewed towards neutrality, which is okay in theory, SMT2 is skewed towards law and SMT3 is skewed towards Chaos, but the Neutral path in SMT4 is absolutely one of the most baffling decisions in any game i fucking played, completing a bunch of MEANINGLESS AND BORING sidequests to get to it, WHAT THE FUCK, and again, no direction or arrows pointing, complete the sidequests on your own, fuck you, also no new final boss or anything, just the same bosses from the other alignments.

Also most of the Original designs for this game are a sin, should be consider a crime against humanity, Sanat, All the archangels, Lilith, Merkabah, Medusa, The recolour DLC demons, Kuebiko, Yaso Magatsuhi, Masakado, but the one that takes the cake it's Lucifer, holy shit, this has to be the most pathetic, ugly, non-intimidating, shitty design i've ever seen in smt, AND THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE ONE OF THE IMPORTANT GUYS, WHAT IN THE HELL ATLUS? GOTH GRAY ALIEN WITH GOLDEN CLOTHING?

For the good things in this game there's the ambientation, OST which is incredable and the Combat, but also the other features that are staple in other smts, like demon negotiation, fusion, etc etc.
But wow this game is dissapointing, the more i think about it, the more i dislike it.

Reviewed on Apr 12, 2021
