The same problems all the other Last Bible games have, boring world, boring setting, boring villains, and the party members switcharoo are in all time worse in this game, really, just give me a fucking set party for more than 40 min for christ sake, i literally couldn`t catch up the LVs of any of my demons or party members cause they were switching back and forth, also i can`t not use the party members, im stuck with them even if i don`t wanna use them.
Also, the exp gain in this game is all over the place, it`s pathetically low in the beginning and goes from decent to bad over and over. Again another forgettable last bible game, the OST and the graphics are fine, they have that SNES rpg charm that i like, the combat is not great but not awful too, the whole game is just whatever.

Reviewed on Nov 19, 2020

1 Comment

3 years ago

The only thing I wonder is why it managed to get a 2.5/5 when it sounds like it was totally miserable for you.