Damn, I haven't seen a 2D Mario this good since I played the first Super Mario Bros Wii, but this is better.

This game updates the series wonderfully. Each level is unique, in fact sometimes it is unique twice because the wonderful flowers transform the entire level into another unique way to play.

The soundtrack is incredible, the new sprite animations are beautiful, and the level design is AMAZING as always in 2D Mario games.

To finish the game, the difficulty is ok, but for 100% of it, man, I literally sweated through the final levels of the special world. The one where you're a goomba is so boring, and of course "The Badge Marathon Final Test" is crazy. The entire level is quite difficult, but what really makes this level insane is the sheer size of it. It's so long, and you have to go all the way over and over again, and, again... I feel like I'm playing dark souls, where often the biggest difficulty isn't the bosses, but rather making the way to them over and over again. after dying and returning to a bonfire. I actually died more than 40 times on this level.

I believe the only issue with this game are the bosses fights, really boring and more of the same, except the final boss which is pretty cool.

Anyway, this game is AMAZING and is a must play for any platform game fan.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
