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July 11, 2021

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I played this game because Professional Video Game Expert Tim Rogers will review it for his Action Button Reviews Series. I'm treating his reviews like a little book club: if he announces he will do a review and I'm interested in the game, I want to play it to form my own opinion.

The hook of this game is incredible. Cecil decides that he no longer wants to participate in the evildoings of his country. With one final task from the king, Cecil unwittingly becomes a terrorist, and must atone for his sins and fight his former country.

If anyone would have told me this was the plot of the game instead of the generally accepted idea that "This is a generic fantasy setting and game" I would have played it years ago! If you would have told me that the main character regularly has sex and it's handled in a mature and not creepy way I would have downloaded the ROM immediately.

This game is also easy, but in a good way. I nearly 100%ed the game in 24 hours without a guide. I do not say this to brag. I say this to show that this game is designed so incredibly well that a doofus like me can beat it, and beat nearly everything! There are some esoteric things in the last few rooms of the last dungeon that I did not do and did not know existed, but, on my own and because of the good writing and game design, I was able to obtain everything in this game, including all the optional bosses and summons.

Very early in the game the party obtains a hovercraft. From that point on, there is almost no overworld traversal that requires walking or random encounters. More games should do this! It made exploration breezy and fun.

This game is not 5 stars to me because it's my rating and that's how I feel! I also thought that the game was going to end, it felt like a climax, and then there was like 3-4 more hours of game and everything that happened in what I thought was the climax happened again? So not my favorite pacing in the last few hours.

Don't let anyone dissuade you from playing this version because they say the localization is bad. It's good and fun and charming.