What a surprising game. I'd heard good things but didn't dig hard before playing it, very glad I did so.

It was oddly cozy. I've been feeling off the past few days and I thought it was the perfect game for my mood. I didn't want to totally ignore my feelings and the atmosphere allowed me to sit in them while also providing comfort.

Plant identifying feels true to its nature. I've gone down Wikipedia holes to determine what a plant was, this felt so similar. The creepy story provided a nice backdrop and I'm excited to play again and make different choices.

Reviewed on Jul 10, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

not to be a rando, but you eerily and totally articulated the exact same experience I had re: mood! this game's tenor just helped me kinda marinade in a weird headspace I'd be caught in recently, but in, like, a comforting and validating way? whereas I think other classically 'cozy' games would've tried to shuffle the weird vibes away, but this one helped me sift through it better

thanks for the accidental validation of a very niche experience haha