"A Crack in Time" is easily the strongest entry to the Future saga. Ratchet's design looks better, the cinematics are gorgeous and don't have any audio lags like ToD and QfB, the narrative is solid, and the gameplay is fantastic.
This game felt more like the "classic" RaC I grew up with. There was a lot to do, the worlds were diverse and interesting, the voice acting was great, and the gladiator arena challenges were fun and rewarding. The ship sections were improved and felt like a nice "open-world" addition to space travel, and the little moons you landed on had clever puzzles and were great for farming bolts and XP.
Speaking of XP, the weapons leveling system in this game was done very well. Each one could max out at V5, and the Constructo weapons' mod slots were fun to mess around with. In NG+, they could reach up to V10. The arsenal itself is very strong. Only a couple weapons felt like they never got any use. The RYNO V, as the ultimate weapon, is disappointing at first, but gets better as you level it up.
The music I'd say was the weakest part of the game, but it still holds up pretty well, carrying a recognizable leitmotif throughout.
Clank sections were amazingly good. The time puzzles were some of my favorite puzzles to solve in any RaC game to date. Very clever and creative.
The narrative was great. Characters had motivations from the get-go, the voice acting was superb, each character had their own arcs that wrapped up nicely in the end, and there was even a twist for the final boss. More dramatic and emotional than other RaC games, but definitely more epic and grand in scale.
All in all, it prompted two complete playthroughs from me, back-to-back, so I guess you could say I enjoyed it!

Reviewed on Aug 06, 2020
