I understand why this was so groundbreaking for its time, the soundtrack is beautiful, the combat is really fun, the lore is deep and interesting and the graphics in this remastered version are really well done, still keeping it true to its original form. However it does have some BIG flaws. The levels get very repetitive, you keep seeing the same rooms over and over, sometimes with confusing designs and it's very easy to get lost. But I was willing to ignore that cause I was having fun, I love all the different vehicles and using them in the open areas feels very ahead of its time. But then I got to the last levels... The library was already a chore to get through, and when I got to Two Betrayals I just couldn't deal with it anymore. There's no way to get more hp other than health packs and there are wayyyy too few. If you get stuck in a checkpoint with 1hp that's it, either restart the level or go all the way back until you find one. Which I did, but I still couldn't get past one of the checkpoints and I just gave up. I understand this is a product of its time but it's just bad game design when it gets so frustrating, so that's it for me. Maybe I'll catch up on the lore on youtube and try the second one

Reviewed on Jun 16, 2023
