So, I decided to play this game after Hades got a little grindy for me and I needed to play another game on my backlog.

It started off with me just getting used to the mechanics (I've never played a beat 'em up in this style before, so it took a little getting used to.) but once I got it, I got it. The game also got really fun for me because it has some RPG elements to it, and I've been kinda itching for a good RPG as of late.

The gameplay itself proved to be fun after I got used to things... however, this game is very buggy. I had backtracked to go back to the school, and when I reached the far right corner of the first boss fight arena... the game went black, the music distorted and my entire computer shut down.

So. I rebooted. Brought the game back up... and resumed playing. After about an hour, it crashed again. And then again after awhile. It stayed stable enough for me after those crashes... so I'm not sure what could be the issue but it seems the game needed some fixes that it never received? (And now they have made a sequel?) Weird.

But overall? The gameplay is very fun. Once you unlock some moves, LVL up a bit, and just get used to things... it becomes fun enough to where you can drive through the game and enjoy yourself.

However, and I think... this is just the nature of the old school style it's trying to bring into this game. The mapping for the throw items/punch... got really annoying. I wanted to punch, but I happen to be near an item? I pick the item up but then get smacked by an enemy. Platforming? And it's kinda hard to tell where I am on the screen so I don't plummet off the stage? Oof.

The menu? And I'm trying to just get to the items to heal. Some of the cutscenes... while they are skippable, sometimes it's just nice to just... get straight to the fight after an attempt?

Just needs some work in some areas. Overall? Very fun.

The style of this game reminded me of Scott Pilgrim a little bit? Not the game, the actual series itself. (I haven't played Scott Pilgrim yet. Though I believe it's also a beat 'em up as well?)

However, you can tell it pulled from the old school anime aesthetic the older Kunio/double dragon games had.

The MUSIC. Very good! I really started to appreciate it once I reached the Beach area? Oh my god. Again, pulled inspo from that old 80s feel to the music and I really loved it.

I loved the idea of the female leads as well. It's actually what drew me to the game!

So overall, yes... It had it's downfalls. But overall, I think it had a great idea in bringing back those old 2D beat 'em ups, but gave it a fresh spin, while still keeping true to the original series.

Hopefully in the sequel it fixed some of the issues and amp'd up on the style even more.

Overall for me? Good game. If you find this game on sale, grab it and give it a go!

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2023
