Log Status






Time Played

29h 54m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 30, 2024

Platforms Played


I'm unbelievably mixed on Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. As a collection for the entire main Shovel Knight series, it's impeccable. The series itself on the other hand, well, I struggle with. Aesthetically, I love it, its world, and the writing. Gameplay wise however Shovel Knight takes too many inspirations from the retro platformers it shares an identity with and winds becoming frustrating, but never difficult. So many deaths and the broken game flow of this series, especially in the second game, Plague of Shadows, comes down to poor level layout and really shoddy platforming physics that torment the first two games. However, the second half of the series is near impeccable with levels that are of perfect length and pretty creative yet still deliciously retro forms of platforming movement. Specter of Torment especially stands out as a 4/5 gem in comparison to a 2/5 slog like Plague of Shadows.