*play-time discrepancy may occur due to the emulator fast forward option being used a bit towards the late game, particularly in chapters 7 + 8. Any mechanics or features that may not function as a quirk of the VBA-M 2.1.3 RALibretro emulator core won't be covered.

Mother 3 is what happens when you take a rock-solid foundation for a JRPG and built on it in basically every way. Any thematic ground covered by the first two games storylines is doubled down on here, story is gut-wrenching, music slaps, graphics are expressive as hell and unlike many JRPGs the difficulty curve is fairly well managed to make for an engaging battle system throughout the experience. If this is the compromised vision I can't help but wonder what we might've gotten had development gone without a hitch given the apparently dropped plot points with one of the party members. I've carefully avoided spoilers in this review here since this is a game best played blind. A potato can run this game in 2022 and Nintendo's higher-ups have known about the Tomato fan translation for years and have done nothing to stop it. The only people that I can't really recommend this game to our people of Romani descent due to the very iffy presentations of a certain group of characters in the game.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2022
